Essential Security Information

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Updated June 2013


Below are listed the minimum security measures required from now on because of the increases in large scale internet crime and world-wide hacker activity.

As a member of our Oceania hosting community we ask that you read this document carefully and make all the changes as required.

Critical Password Updates

At your earliest opportunity update all passwords for each one of your applications.

  • Use twelve digit alpha-numeric combinations and include symbols wherever possible. “applications” includes and is not limited to:
    • Cpanel
    • email accounts
    • any CMS applications you are using like WordPress, Joomla or Soholaunch etc
    • Your sub-user accounts in any CMS you have installed and who have password access should also have their passwords updated.
  • Have a different and unique password for each application as when hackers can crack one – all other logins with same or even similar passwords will be vulnerable

Not fun – but necessary as part of required practices to keep websites safe and secure from hackers.

Remove all unused software from your hosting account now

It is vital that you go through your entire site and remove/delete any installed software you may have installed that is no longer used for your website. Use Uninstall Features in Fantastico or Softaculous where-ever possible. Use the software developer’s Support Pages for assistance as required.

Update proprietary software installations and plugins

  • Log in to your software developers’ website to check for, and apply to your site, any current upgrades to the latest stable versions.
  • In some cases upgrades may be applied directly from the Admin section of your software.
  • Examples include WordPress, Joomla, SohoLaunch, OS Commerce, phpBB etc etc

Update and/or Upgrade your PC Security

It is also recommend that you scan your local systems ( ie ALL computers and devices accessing the website files or email) to make sure they are virus free.

Most account level compromises are due to insecure site software or malware/viruses on the local computer stealing the username and password for domain in question.

Ensuring that your site software is up to date, along with all plugins installed, and making sure that your local computers are virus free, using strong passwords are key steps to avoid account level hacks.


101 Data Protection Tips:
How to Keep Your Passwords, Financial & Personal Information Safe

On Monday Sept 28 2015 Nate Lord posted a terrific set of Data Protection Tips.
CLICK Here to read all about how to keep your password, financial and personal information safe.


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